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  Spirituality means living by spiritual principles and applying/practicing them in my life—every day, good or bad.

Ralph K, Germany 

Spirituality is how you treat other people—with dignity—like you would want them to treat you. 

Rick, Australia

When I am living in a spiritually conscious way, whatever I am going through is a snapshot of perfection, whether or not it feels good. 

Theresa H, New Mexico

July 1999
Volume Sixteen 
Number Three

Information about "The NA Way" and Authors Release Form

On the
spiritual path
Table Of Contents

On the spiritual path

From the editor

Through prayer and meditation

Recovery without God

Terima kasih banyak banyak Bahasa Melayu for “Thank you very, very much”

Am I a human being having a spiritual experience or a 
spiritual being having a 
human experience?

Seeking understanding

Finding the spirit in spirituality

Creative action

A brief history of
“God” in Narcotics Anonymous

Toward a more spiritual service

Editorial reply
It’s a matter of life and death Serious about service

Our readers write

World Unity Day Telephone Link

All spiritual awakenings have some things in common,” says our Basic Text, but we would be hard-pressed to name something comparable to the sheer variety of our members’ personal spiritual experiences.

These experiences aren’t something we often have the good fortune to hear about in any detail.  Many of our members believe that it’s inappropriate to talk about specific spiritual or religious beliefs in meetings.  Maybe it is; maybe it isn’t—we’ll leave that one to group autonomy.  But we no longer have to remain in the dark about some of the spiritual paths followed by our members.

This issue of the NA Way is devoted to bringing those experiences into the light of day.  The following pages present as broad a scope of experiences as we could gather.  Even though it’s only a small fraction of the world of beliefs held by our members, it does show that there’s ample room for any and all spiritual beliefs in the NA program. 

For me, a working definition of spirituality is to call for a taxi and then wait for the taxi I called instead of taking one that might cruise by in the meantime.

Yona P, Israel