Picture this

This beautiful area is known as Castle Hill. It was the site of an open-air meeting at midnight during the most recent Aotearoa New Zealand Regional Campvention.

NA communities are invited to send us photographs of their meeting places. We especially welcome photos that include meeting formats, recovery literature, posters, dirty coffee cups, etc.—anything that makes the meeting place look “lived in.” Sorry, we cannot use photos that identify NA members. Please tell us about your meeting: the name, the location and city, how long it has been in existence, what your format consists of (speaker, participation, etc.).

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H&I Slim H&I Slim

Readers of H&I News are familiar with H&I Slim. For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure, H&I Slim is the ultimate H&I kinda guy. He hangs out in hospitals and jails all over the world. You might say he’s always in the know, and always on the go. Got a question about H&I? Need some help? Write H&I Slim in care of WSO.

Dear H&I Slim,
I know what our policy states about giving our phone numbers out at correctional facilities, but what about treatment centers? We have both short- and long-term centers, and are frequently asked. This has become an issue at our subcommittee meetings. Please help!

Recovering in Memphis

Dear Recovering,
It is never a good practice to give out our personal phone numbers to residents of any facility. We can, however, give out our area and regional helpline numbers, make local meeting lists available, and tell potential NA members that we’ll be glad to see them at a regularly scheduled NA meeting where members’ phone numbers are readily available.

H&I Slim

Dear H&I Slim,
Our H&I subcommittee has had meetings/presentations in the State Department of Corrections facilities for twelve years. New problems arise with each change in the department’s administration. The latest is a requirement that panel leaders fill out an in-depth volunteer form; there is a briefer form for panel members. They have assured us that only the program director will see these forms and that the information we give will not be used to prevent us from going into the prison. Many committee members don’t like this. What can we do?

Needs Suggestions

Dear Needs,
A PI/H&I presentation to the administration with emphasis placed on our Twelfth Tradition might be helpful. Using this time to present your concerns and listening to what the administration has to say may bring a resolution that both you and the institution will find workable.

The decision ultimately rests with the individual addict. Some addicts may simply be too uncomfortable with providing the information requested on the form, while others may not have a problem with it at all.

H&I Slim

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Spotlight on staff

Have you ever called or written the World Service Office? Or have you ever wanted to call, but weren’t sure you should? A lot of members wonder what the WSO does besides ship literature. Some know what else the WSO does, but aren’t sure which staff person to ask for assistance when they call.

We thought it might help if we began introducing you to some of the staff at WSO and describing their responsibilities. “Spotlight on staff” will be a regular feature of The NA Way Magazine.

This month’s staff member is Sylvia Cordero. She began working for the WSO in August of 1988. Her original job assignment was to enter group and trusted servant registrations and new NA Way subscriptions into the WSO database. She also entered meeting listings into the now-defunct World Directory. WSO management recognized not too long after Sylvia’s hire that it was impossible to publish a world directory that wasn’t out of date before it went to the printer.

WSO immediately began taking advantage of Sylvia’s bilingual skills, assigning her to mail out Spanish Group Starter Kits, translate some correspondence, and talk to Spanish-speaking callers.

In 1994, Sylvia moved permanently to customer service and began helping the Spanish-speaking literature customers. She takes literature orders over the phone, and can also answer any questions about any of the products offered by WSO. She also processes all the orders that are shipped from WSO-Chatsworth and WSO-Canada, and she processes payments for literature orders and deposits the day’s receipts at the bank.
Sylvia began learning Portuguese several years ago and is now capable of helping Portuguese-speaking callers, too.

So if you speak Spanish, Portuguese, or English and are calling for customer service, say “hi” to Sylvia. Her favorite part of her job is talking to people, and she’ll be glad to hear from you.

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Author’s Release

This signed release must accompany all submissions.

I hereby grant permission to the World Service Office, The NA Way Magazine, their successors, assigns, and those acting on their authority to publish the attached original material titled. I understand that this material may be edited. I further understand that this material may be reprinted in other NA fellowship journals. I possess full legal capacity to exercise this authorization and hereby release the World Service Office and The NA Way Magazine from any blame by myself, my successors, and/or my assigns.

Signature: ____________________________

Date: ________________________________


Norwegian IP #23
Rusfri etter behandling
Item No. NR3123 Price US$0.20
In quantity of 100 or more, US$0.18

Swedish IP #6
Tillfrisknande och återfall
Item No. SW3106 Price US$0.20
In quantity of 100 or more, US$0.18

Sluggfest: A Home Group Anthology
This two-color book contains the Home Group comics strips published in
The NA Way Magazine over an eight-year period.
Item No. 9406 Price US$8.95

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