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1, Issue 4 |
Box 9999, Van Nuys, CA 91409
YEAR! * It’s hard to believe it’s 1999! And, it’s hard to
believe that we have met as a board four times now. While countries around
the world prepare for the next century, we have been working to establish
the world service structure approved at last year’s WSC. Not only
is this an exciting time, as we all approach the beginning of another millennium,
but it’s an exciting time to be a member of NA. With new literature,
new policies, and a new world service structure, we are literally exploring
uncharted territory! We hope to continue to seek means that will
help us—your World Board— to better serve you—the Fellowship—and to ensure
that our primary purpose is carried out worldwide.
Please continue to send us
your feedback. As we have stated in previous issues, we want this
newsletter to not only be informative, but also to establish a dialogue
between the WB and the Fellowship. We are continuing to work on finding
a truly effective way to communicate with you as a board. Your
input will help us to determine if the information we are providing is
valuable and how we can make it even more useful. We cannot do this
alone, remember…“Together we can.”
We met at the WSO over the
weekend of 28-30 January 1999. All board members were present.
Even though our agenda was extensive, we were able to address all of the
items. We are continuing to get comfortable with our new roles and,
with a common sense of purpose and responsibility to the worldwide Fellowship,
we are finding a balance as a unified board.
We wanted to develop a common
understanding of the Twelve Concepts, specifically, how each concept applies
to the World Board and how we, as a board, can utilize them in resolving
issues. We also examined how the Concepts determine the work we do.
With this in mind, we began our meeting on Thursday by breaking into three
small groups to discuss the first four Concepts. We will review Concept
Five through Concept Nine at our next meeting.
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1999 Conference Agenda
If you have received the
1999 Conference Agenda Report, you have noticed that we included the issue
discussion papers into the body of the CAR for the first time. We
hope that this will make it easier for these issues to be discussed at
the CAR workshops since we expect that these two issues, Resolution A and
Improving Fellowship Communications, will be a large portion of the discussions
held at this WSC. The 1999 CAR is available in English, Portuguese,
Spanish, French, Swedish, and German. This is the first time that
the issue discussion papers have been translated. As another first
this year, we have placed the CAR on our web site,
Conference Agenda Report
We discussed the importance
of having a conference that meets the needs of the participants with the
current structured changes. Because of the small amount of motions
in the 1999 CAR, we feel this would be the perfect opportunity for all
members attending the workshops, to start engaging in the dialogue we hope
to establish with this new service structure. The focus of these
workshops will be discussions about the designated issue topics as well
as, the motions included in the CAR.
The Conference Week:
We created a draft schedule
for the conference week and have assigned three workgroups to develop ideas
for the conference discussions on Resolution A and Improving Fellowship
Communication, as well as the conference orientation. We will be
finalizing these ideas at our March meeting and invite any input that you
may have about the conference week. We plan to meet together as a
board the day before the conference, at least twice during the week, and
have a wrap-up meeting after the conference. We are communicating
with the WSC Co-Facilitator, Vinnie F., and he will attend our next board
meeting. There will be more information about the conference week
in the March Conference Report as well as, the pre-conference package/mailing.
Just a reminder…WSC is 25 April
– 30 April. The
cost of the 1999 Conference Agenda
Report is $5.00.
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NA Way Magazine Editorial
The new NA Way Magazine
Editorial Board met with the WSO staff members who are responsible for
producing this magazine. The meeting was designed to look at long-term
planning; improve ways to assist the staff to carry out their work; and
how best to continue to provide a high quality, timely, and translated
magazine to the Fellowship. They also examined ways to reduce the
production time, increase the number of articles provided by interested
members for publication, and improve the process of soliciting relevant
material. And finally, the workgroup developed a format to use when
selecting themes that will help ensure standards and maintain consistency
with the magazine’s mission statement and NA principles.
Reaching Out:
Published four times a year,
this publication is mailed to local H&I committees and members in institutional
settings. The Reaching Out workgroup discussed the present criterion
for articles in the magazine, with an emphasis on continuous improvement.
The workgroup plans to add articles from those NA members on the ‘outside’
who received the NA message while in an institution of some type, but who
are not involved with H&I service. Currently, the section “From
the Outside” is dedicated to NA members that participate in H&I service.
The criterion for that section will be changed to include those types of
The Swedish have finished
the first translated Basic Text that contains both part one and part two
and it is now in the WSO inventory. The Swedish local translation
committee (LTC) will begin work on It Works: How and Why and the Step Working
Guides. We are expecting the Portuguese LTC to complete their work
on Just for Today and the Step Working Guides. In early summer,
the Castillian Step Working Guides approval draft will be created.
The French speaking LTC is submitting their collection of original French
personal stories for the first part two of the Basic Text that is not a
translation of the original; in October, the Step Working Guides; and in
November, It Works: How and Why. And finally, the Finnish and
Netherlands LTCs are in the process of proofing the typeset drafts of An
Introductory Guide to Narcotics Anonymous.
Communications Task Force
In keeping with our number
one priority of continuously improving communications with the fellowship,
the CTF workgroup met for the first time on Tuesday, 26 January.
They brought their ideas for the scope of this project and the anticipated
timeline to the board for discussion. The group is further developing
the ideas that we discussed and will be developing a project plan and budget
for our March meeting which will then be forwarded to the conference.
We will continue to report on the progress of this workgroup.
Development Forum (DF):
As we stated in our December
issue, the Fellowship Development Plan was developed to “plan and provide
services and support which facilitate the continuation and growth of Narcotics
Anonymous worldwide.” The Development Forum continues to work with
those NA communities that need funding for conference attendance.
This workgroup has had two conference calls since their last meeting.
They received an unprecedented number of requests and the board approved
funding assistance for 20 communities. This decision may put us slightly
over the budget approved at last year’s conference, but with the current
criteria we believed that we did not have any clear direction to choose
one request over another. We plan to ask the conference to prioritize
the development of criteria for this important activity for the next conference
year. As a reminder, the current criteria necessary for funding is
that the area/region in question must have a service structure that services
the area and/or region and must be unable to fund themselves. We
pursued a discussion concerning the functions of the DF and reviewed the
orientation at the WSC to support new delegates and those from emerging
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The WSO Management team
and the Executive Committee met two weeks prior to the January board meeting
in order to outline work priorities and routine services for Narcotics
Anonymous World Services for the coming year. Those results were
then presented at the board meeting.
We discussed the extent of
our workload, as well as the conference mandates for internal guidelines
due for the CAR 2000 and at the moment, we do not feel that we, as a board,
are ready to move into a committee system. There are still several
outstanding issues we need to examine before we move forward with forming
committees. We are attempting to maintain the spirit that created
the World Board and are trying not to go back to the “old” system.
As stated earlier, while we are in uncharted territory, it is still our
hope to maintain a cohesive and unified group that is focused on providing
service to the Fellowship worldwide.
Unified Budget/Project
We are still very much in
the middle of transitioning to a truly unified budget. The board
has taken quite a bit of time to understand its responsibilities in this
area since it is unprecedented in world service history. We expect
that, as stated in the original proposal that created this new system,
we will not have fully transitioned until WSC 2000.
We adopted an outline to
be used for project plans to be forwarded to the conference. We will
use this outline to develop the ideas that we forward to conference participants
prior to WSC 1999. This will identify the purpose and scope of all projects
that World Services is directed to complete. It outlines a timeline,
staff, and estimated costs needed for each project’s completion.
Each item was discussed to determine if a project plan was needed and if
it needed to be prioritized by the conference. After a question and answer
session, we moved to adopt the January to June 1999 budget proposal.
Financial Update:
We reviewed the information
for the calendar year 1998. There appears to be a slight increase in donations,
leaving us only about $1,000 below projections for the conference budget
adopted last year. The income from literature sales was ahead
of projections. We would like to thank you all for your support.
Marketing efforts have
been very successful—correctional sales have doubled over the last year!
We also moved to integrate marketing into fixed operations and will stop
addressing it as a new project.
CY’98-99 Donations Plotted
Against Monthly Average
We are still in the process
of reconciling some of the records from the convention. While WCNA-27
was the largest world convention in our history, our preliminary financial
reports indicate that we did not realize the net proceeds originally projected
for this event. We now know the primary cause of additional expenses
directly related to the increased size of the convention and the costs
of implementing the approved logistical plan. Without any history
of a similarly sized past world convention, we either underestimated or
failed completely to anticipate the extent of certain expenses. This
has been a “wake-up” call for us that will significantly change how we
proceed with future conventions in NA. Before we think about planning
the conventions for Atlanta and San Diego, an in-depth examination and
analysis will be completed in order to determine how we should proceed
with the budget for these conventions.
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There has been input from
members regarding the process and content of Miracles Happen, our newly
published book. Part of the intent of the book is simply to give
people an understanding of the difficulty that faced those early NA groups.
More importantly, because of these difficulties, the fact that NA was even
able to get off the ground is a miracle.
The book was produced to
try to give information to the fellowship and to provide access to some
of the material in the Jimmy Kinnon archives. This was an opportunity
to recapture our own history and it was not intended as service or recovery
material. It is our hope that discussions can be held at the conference
that will focus on what we would like to see in the future.
We discussed how to proceed
with the planning for this convention. We appointed two World Board
members, Claudio L. and Cary S., to work with staff in the planning for
this event.
We are trying to create as
much of a bilingual program as possible. To this end, we will be
creating two program workgroups, one Spanish speaking and one English speaking.
Although the leadership of the Spanish speaking program group would come
from Colombia, we are discussing ways to include as many as possible of
the Spanish speaking communities and Brazil in this committee. Most
of these people will be together at the WSC and the Latin American Zonal
Forum, and we believe this involvement could be accomplished by notification
to those communities and by using their RD’s as the contact.
We plan to produce a pre-event
newsletter for distribution before WSC ’99 informing the Fellowship of
the change of dates, travel plans, and safety issues with the location.
The registration flyers will then be printed in the fourth quarter of 1999
for general distribution before Christmas.
@@ DON’T FORGET!!! @@
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We are planning a World
Services meeting in conjunction with Unity Day towards the end of September
1999. We have asked the Executive Committee to select the site.
We believe that this will allow us to plan a special Unity Day celebration
and at the same time, meet with delegates to discuss our work prior to
the 2000 Conference Agenda Report.
The HRP met with us on Saturday,
30 January. We discussed the need to find a way to communicate more
effectively with each other. The panel asked Mary CV, former WSC
Policy Chairperson, to join them to assist in developing the election procedures
for this conference. Between now and the end of March, the HRP will
conduct phone interviews and reference checking for the WSC 2000 Co-Facilitators.
At their next meeting, HRP nominations for the Co-Facilitator positions
will be finalized, WSC orientation will be discussed, complete detailed
plan for conference elections will be presented, the HRP WSC report will
be finalized, and detailed procedures with milestones for the next HRP
will be completed.
Here’s your opportunity
to give back what was so freely given to you!!! Help build the World Pool
by sending in your service résumé. Trusted servants for WS
projects and elections will come from this pool. You can reach us by letter,
phone, e-mail, or visit our web site at
to request your résumé form.
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Our meeting is scheduled
for 18 March through 20 March. We will discuss any outstanding items
for conference week and finalize our project proposals to be presented
to the conference for work during the next year. If you have any
questions, suggestions, input, etc. please send it to us as soon as possible
in order for us to consider it.
Thank you again for letting
us serve you and we are all looking forward to meeting with many of you
in April!
In fellowship,
Your World Board